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Monday, April 30, 2012

New York Times News Research Desk Internship (Summer or Fall)

The position is for an unpaid, for-credit, academic-year intern. Interns work 8 hours per week for the duration of the semester.

The New York Times is seeking a computer savvy, creative library student. Familiarity with programming, database management, and/or cataloging is a plus.

Job Description
1) Assist in maintaining News Research's Intranet site.

2) Assist in Librarian functions, such as cataloging, organizing and marketing the library materials.

3) Assist in creating training materials developed by news researchers, and assist in news research specific marketing and training.

Intern will receive mentoring and training with regard to library specific functions such as cataloging, newsroom training, knowledge management and marketing library resources. Intern will also have the opportunity to shadow News Researchers, receive training and guidance in research techniques, in addition to learning how to navigate database resources proficiently.

The candidate must submit a resume, letter of interest and letter of recommendation from their university. They must receive academic credit and provide a letter from their university saying how much credit they will get.
Please send your resume, letter of interest and letter of recommendation directly to:

Sheelagh McNeill
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue | New York, NY 10018
Office 212.556.8832| Mobile 917.670.3871