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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Columbia University’s C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Makino Collection Internship

The Makino Collection on the History of East Asian Film is an extraordinary archive of materials chronicling the history of Japanese and East Asian film, collected by the renowned documentary film maker and film historian Makino Mamoru.

The collection contains material dating back to the earliest moving pictures in Japan and the start of domestic film production during the Meiji period (1868–1912), and continues to the present. It includes a wealth of rare print materials including full runs of trade press and fan periodicals, fliers, posters, and other publicity materials.

The Makino Collection Internship program provides current library school students with hands-on experience in several areas of academic librarianship. Interns will work collaboratively with mentoring library staff to help design and create a website and blog for the Makino Collection and to help process archival materials.

The Intern will be appointed for the Spring semester (2011). Preference is given to candidates who have Japanese language ability or Chinese language ability and a web design background.

POSITION AVAILABLE: January, 2011. This is an unpaid internship.

WORK SCHEDULE: Work schedule is variable, 150 hours per semester.

DUTIES: Designing the Makino Collection website in consultation with the Archivist. Processing includes working with the Archivist to identify and describe items
for the finding aid, re-housing materials in archival safe folders and boxes, and
inputting data into Excel files for the finding aid among other tasks.

REQUIRED: Must be current (or enrolled) graduate student in an accredited library school program during the Spring 2011 semester. Candidate must have either Japanese language ability or Chinese language ability, and knowledge of web design.

PREFERRED: Demonstrated effective verbal and written communication skills. Ability to evaluate, understand, and describe Japanese or Chinese materials. Interest in academic librarianship. Interest in film studies.

APPLICANT INSTRUCTIONS: Applicants should submit, via e-mail, a letter of interest, resume, and at least one letter of recommendation to the Archivist: Beth Katzoff []. Potential candidates will be notified soon after.